Tuesday, January 25, 2005

January 24, 2005 - Jackson, NJ

Well kids, I think that pretty much taps the keg. In the past few days our theme song changed from Van Halen's "Standin' on Top of the World" to Southside Johnny's "I Don't Wanna Go Home." But here we are in the Great White North and we're enduring the whole culture shock thing all over again.

But I'm also thinking... that maybe they've been drawing the maps upside-down all these years. And I'm also thinking... maybe this isn't such a bad place to be for the remaining 11/12ths of the year... And I'm also thinking I gotta go to work. And when you gotta go...

So, anyway we hope you all enjoyed our trip - we missed everybody - but enjoyed bringing you along with us! Wait'll you hear the rest of the story... Posted by Hello

The silver fern, NZ's national symbol - they were all over the place in our drive up the Coromandel Peninsula. Posted by Hello